Our Learning Circle is for supporting one another in our common goal to meaningfully integrate technology in our classrooms by sharing ideas, lessons, challenges, and successes, especially for making best use of our Interactive Whiteboards.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

December Meeting

At our first meeting in December, we explored our personal definitions and understanding of effective technology integration.

Here is a link to a SlideShare show of the PowerPoint from our meeting. This is the self assessment we will each complete. As well two videos we viewed, one called Learning to Change and Changing to Learn , and the other called Teaching Teachers to Teach in the 21st Century.

We considered the successes and challenges of utilizing our SmartBoards effectively. We also discussed the purpose and goals of our learning circle. This was an extremely positive and motivating start to our time together.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Get Your Feet Wet...

At our next meeting, on Jan. 28th, we will be discussing "Why Interactive Whiteboards?" If you feel comfortable beginning some conversation here, please add a comment below in response to the question: Why do you feel Interactive Whiteboards are a useful tool for meaningfully integrating technology in our classrooms?