Our Learning Circle is for supporting one another in our common goal to meaningfully integrate technology in our classrooms by sharing ideas, lessons, challenges, and successes, especially for making best use of our Interactive Whiteboards.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Whiteboard Challenge 2010

The challenge will be launched in June and involves participants creating videos and / or screencasts of some of the great things they are doing with their IWB to share with teachers and students across the globe.
The aim is to improve the use of Interactive Whiteboards in classrooms around the world. Great way to connect with others! It might be a good goal for us to begin September!! Are you in??????

Final Meeting of the Year...

It was great to see many of you out to our meeting on Thursday at Lazo!! A big thanks to Lynn & Jann for hosting. For those of you who were unable to make it, we missed you and hope you will take a moment to complete the survey for our Partnership Project. This will provide us with some data, as well as some direction for where we might go next?

As always, we ran out of time on Thursday to get to everything we had hoped to--sorry about that! But many of you had the opportunity to explore the Ning, blog, and Diigo, with some guidance from those who are already users. We have some plans for how to share lessons and it sounds like there is interest in continuing to meet next year.

That said, please go to the Survey Monkey survey link below to provide more specific feedback...

We need you to complete the survey by next Friday, May 7th AT THE LATESt!!

Also, please find attached the Professional Competency assessment--on page 56 of this PDF! This was handed out at the meeting, but in case you lost it or were absent:

This was the self-assessment we completed in the Fall. Please repeat this now, to give us some comparison of how our competencies have changed over the year. You don't need to include your name. But please only do this now, if you did it in the fall. Remember, you are simply considering yourself when completing this rubric. It is a self-assessment! It needs to be completed and sent via interschool mail to Michelle Honeysett by Friday, May 7th, AT THE LATEST!!

Thanks for your help with wrapping up the Partnership Project. We'll look forward to seeing the results and how our competencies and comfort levels have changed over the course of our time together!