Our Learning Circle is for supporting one another in our common goal to meaningfully integrate technology in our classrooms by sharing ideas, lessons, challenges, and successes, especially for making best use of our Interactive Whiteboards.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February Virtual Meeting

Welcome to the Virtual Meeting...

The beauty of a virtual meeting like this, is that you can't really be late for it and you can be super early if you want (like starting tonight), since you can join in the meeting at any point that works for you!

It may also be the only meeting to which you can come to in your p.j.'s sporting a glass of wine in hand! As for the snacks and refreshments, you'll have to provide those for yourselves! ;-) ... (But of course, that is also a bonus, as it means no one will know if you opt for the wine and unhealthy snacks! ;-)

The idea of the Virtual Meeting challenges each of us:

  • To explore another way to connect and communicate, by creating a new post or commenting on someone else's post on our blog.
  • To share resources, by joining diigo and adding links to our diigo group.
Of course, we will not forego the doorprizes, just because we are meeting virtually. In fact, your participation in the virtual meeting will be the one chance to give yourself an advantage at winning a doorprize (this time, we have a copy of the book, "Integrating Literacy and Technology: Effective Practice for Grades K-6 " , as well as a chance at winning your very own cordless mouse).

So how to gain your advantage??? Well, your name will be entered into the draw for each of the virtual meeting challenges you take on. If you create a new post on the blog, your name will be entered! If you comment on someone else's post on the blog, your name will be entered! If you join diigo and add a link to our diigo group, your name will be entered! So, the more you participate, the better!


  1. Hello everyone! I like the idea of this virtual meeting-with all this technology at our fingertips it just makes sense! I am really just figuring this all out-I've become a whiz at using Facebook, I'm sure I can do this too...

  2. Yay! You'll get it figured out Eileen... You can do it!
